The Royal Orchard II Condominium & Park was a revitalization project to redesign and reinstate the landscape surrounding the building and in the community park. Major structural repairs were required to the underground parking garage slab and all the landscaping needed to be restored as a result. As part of the larger slab repairs and waterproofing this project included reinstated walls, hardscaping, and fencing. The redesign included supplemental planting, entry feature signage & furnishings along with earthworks for berms & swales to better accommodate soil volumes and drainage. Walkways, stairs & hardscaped areas were updated to meet the latest OBC standards for accessibility & design.
Foch Family Landscape Architecture provided conceptual design, stakeholder engagement, design development, construction documentation, tendering & construction contract administration services for this unique revitalization. Our team aimed to recreate the community park while paying respect to the original design. A central plaza was created to provide an open area for seating and connectivity. A raised planter would act as a focal point and seating area while the internal and external plantings would provide separation and shade throughout the space. Strategic planning and consideration of the garage slab was required to ensure that soil volumes were sufficient for the proposed plantings. An entry feature was also designed to provide a unique identity for this community condominium and park.
The project has been successfully completed and is now being enjoyed by the condominium community and public.